Tag: Clinton

  • It Takes a Village

    Most people have heard the proverb “it takes a village to raise  a child,” especially since it was made more famous by the book “authored” by Hillary Clinton when she as the First Lady. (Personally I doubt that she “actually wrote the book” as she claims. She probably commissioned it, helped edit it for content,…

  • Primary Season is Finally Over

    With the official end of the primary season I can finally end my self-imposed ban on posting about the primaries. Of course Maureen Dowd has already said everything that needs to be said about the current situation. So there are three options for my vote in November (in order of my preference): Obama keeps his…

  • Hillary Clinton: Babysitter in Chief

    Here is another gem from Laura. She came in to my office this afternoon and told me that she had just seen a bit of a speech by Senator Clinton. She thought it very important that I be aware that Hillary Clinton had just told her audience that they wanted a President who would solve…

  • Bill Clinton Endorses Obama

    I chuckled at the NBC report that Bill Clinton said the following about a general election campaign between Hillary Clinton and John McCain: “I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where you had two people who loved this country and were devoted to the interest of this country,”…

  • Really Inevitable

    Of all the things that we don’t know about the outcome of this year’s election there is one outcome that would be dependable. If Clinton is elected we will see more news like this. Those who vehemently dislike the Clintons will continue to make comments that most of us consider inappropriate. When they do we…

  • Kernals of Truth

    In “It takes a whole village – or does it?” I see some strong truths expressed that the family is the basic unit of society, but there is also a kernel of truth in the saying “it takes a village.” The village in which I raise my children will have an effect on how they…