Tag blogging


When I came back to WordPress in February of 2007 the focus of the site (Recovering Technophile) was technology and social/political commentary. I imported my writing from the blogger blog I was leaving and those posts which fit that focus…

Two Years (By One Way of Reckoning)

Last year I recorded my first year back to blogging. I recorded the statistics at the time and set a goal to average one post per day. In the last year I have: 365 posts 1364 comments ~20,000 spam comments…

Family Vacation

I’m trying to decide if my expectations are delusional, or simply higher than necessary. This week I am taking an extended family vacation for the first time since I got married. There have been a few gathering similar to this…

Old Goals, New Goals

I have made a goal ever six months for the last couple of years to review every talk from general conference before the next general conference. I have to make the goal anew each conference because each time I fail…

Open Up on Blogger

This is an open suggestion to Bloggers who use Blogger – specifically those who are restrictive on allowing comments. Once upon a time there were three options for who could comment (assuming that you allowed comments on the blog in…

Seeking Feedback

As I have been reorganizing my site and evaluating my purposes I have come to realize that one of the goals I have for this endeavor is to get feedback – to bounce my ideas off other people to see…

What is Blogging?

Start of Series In order to substantiate my claim of what benefits blogging provides for me, I think it is important to define what I mean by when I talk about blogging. I have already indicated that blogging is more…

Benefits of Blogging

Start of Series When I started blogging, I noticed that there were a lot of people blogging about blogging, especially in the circle of educational bloggers. Very soon I began to dislike those types of postings. This leaves readers here…

Why Blog?

This is going to be short, and almost without substance, but my history of blogging comes from a background of education where the question has been asked, but never completely answered, what is the benefit of blogging? I can only…

Blogging or Thinking

I made a little discovery yesterday about the pattern of when I post to my blog and when I don’t. It comes down to the “Time Matrix” discussed in Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. The time…