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Strengthening Our Caucus System
Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal
Scott Howell for US Senate
When I wrote a better to the editor in support of Dan Liljenquist during the GOP primary earlier this year one of the comments that was made in response to my letter was that once Hatch won the primary all…
Political Sacred Cows
Endorsing Dan Liljenquist
Perspective on Palin Endorsing Hatch
I was a little surprised at the news that Sarah Palin had endorsed Orrin Hatch. It’s not that I had expected her to endorse Dan Liljenquist, just that I would not have expected her to see an entrenched, entitled incumbent…
We Need a New Generation in Washington
Investors Business Daily has a pro-Hatch propaganda piece up that deserves a few tweaks. First, the headline says that republicans must gain control of Congress for the economy to recover. Do we really need to remind everyone that Republicans had…
Addressing Abysmal Voter Turnout
Redistricting in Ut(opia)
I have been watching the redistricting process with interest although I have not been able to be as vocal in the discussions as I might have wished. This late in the process we can see the forces at work and…