Category National

Saving Social Security

When I heard Doug Wright say that he was incensed to hear someone characterize Social Security as charity it got me wondering - maybe it would be a good thing if social security were set up more like a charity so that we did not make it available to people who had sufficient assets to support themselves.

The Issue of Secession

Is the lack of a constitutional provision for secession a problem? What would such a provision look like? I would like to explore these questions to see what it reveals about secession and about our nation.

Political Sacred Cows

Whenever someone assigns one thing as unassailable - whether it's HAFB, the importance of seniority, the idea that all elected officials are crooks who should be replaced, or even the original text of the U.S. Constitution - it eventually leads them to make decisions that are undesirable in the long run.

Politics vs Economics

I am not surprised that there are big ideas that make perfect sense from an economic perspective which are politically unpopular - after all, doing what has been deemed to be politically possible has led us to a dire economic position.

Marginal Logic for Same-Sex Marriage

I’m a big fan of the CATO Institute and their perspective on constitutional government but no matter how much I may generally agree with them, that cannot give them a free pass to use use absolutely terrible logic to promote…

Failure of the American Voter

I’ve been thinking about the massive disconnect between the abysmal ratings that Congress enjoys (8% approval I recently read) and the virtual invincibility of Congressional incumbents (incumbents consistently win 90% of the elections where they seek reelection). I realized that…