

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.


My one-year-old has the funniest little trick. We have been meaning to get a picture of it, or capture it on video, but it is possible that we may never succeed, so I decided that I would write it down,…

More on Journals

My wife has been going through old emails etc in an effort to construct her journal for the past few years. As she has been doing that, I have been going through old blog posts and seeing a little bit…

7 Minute Lull

Most people have heard of the 7 minute lull. It is the idea that conversations tend to have a lull in them at regular intervals (theoretically 7 minutes). I have come to the conclusion that blogging has a similar phenomenon.…


Do you ever come to the end of a day and find that, although you intellectually know the structure of what you have done for the last few hours, you have no impression in your mind of what took place…

Stifled, Stiphled, Ctiphl’d

I have been struggling for some time now feeling that life did not allow for me to do the things that I would like to do. All I ask out of life is the opportunity to be a good father…

Plan Something for Me Day

I must have missed the memo, but all signs point to today being some sort of national holiday where everyone planned things for me all on the same day. I had planned to go to the conference that I mentioned…

Discerning or Disagreeable

I have been going to conference sessions all day today and it has made me begin to question how I approach learning. I find that there are no classes where I simply absorb what is being said without finding parts…

New Spy Movie Gadget

I can’t help myself here. I was looking at an article in BusinessWeek Online about cell phones of the future. They had a slide show of a bunch of cell phone prototypes and when I got to the fourth one,…

Blog, Journal, or Both

I am not new to blogging, but in some ways I am blogging from a new angle. On previous blogs I was posting enough to maintain three blogs and often posted multiple times each day. Since I have started this…

My Gardening Hobby

During this last year, as I have been settling into my house and working on my yard, I have begun to really enjoy gardening. I did plenty of it in my childhood, but it is different now. Back then I…