

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Bernie Sanders

In the end I've concluded that Bernie Sanders is like Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul - a legitimate candidate who swings for the fences and excites a portion of the electorate but whose vision voters should take with a grain of salt even if they support him.

Rick Santorum

When surrounded by more flamboyant candidates it's easy to forget the depth and breadth of experience that Rick Santorum brings to the table as a candidate.

Donald Trump

I could forgive a candidate for having underdeveloped policy positions and plans, I can also forgive a candidate for being prone to verbal gaffes but I find it difficult to conclude that a candidate suffering from both of those drawbacks is actually ready to hold the office of president. The fact that Donald Trump has both of those flaws while maintaining such a significant level of support in the race makes him a very politically destructive candidate.

Adult Desires vs Children’s Rights

Saying that we can make no legal distinction between heterosexual couples and homosexual couples means that we codify into law that the desires of adults take precedence over the rights of children. Those who would argue that the logic behind this is anti-adoption are missing the point.