

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Interesting Thought

I just had an interesting thought. I have been looking at our presidential candidates and what they have been saying and I just recognized a difference in the campaigns. President Bush is running for the office of president of the…


The DNC is busy making sure that Bush doesn’t win the debates on spin after the fact so they have made sure to send their followers to make their voice heard at the polls. Online polling is unscientific at best…

Really? Great?

This is slightly off the path of the original discussion, but when Rovy said “it would be great to have adaptive, exploratory, multi-path instruction for everything we have to learn” it got me thinking. Would it be so great. Rovy…

Me and People

I was having a discussion with Laura last night about me and how I react to people. It is more pronounced in groups, but the fact is that I keep myself distant from people. Laura told me that it comes…

Design vs Procedure

I think that Alan has perfectly illustrated the difference between a “design formula” – ADDIE in this case – and real design. It is not that ADDIE is not good design, but if you A then D then D then…

Cracking the Blocks

Thanks to electoral-vote.com I discovered the efforts of Colorado Democrats who hope not to be disenfranchised in the presidential election this year as reported in the Rocky Mountain News at the beginning of August. This is exactly in line with…

Some Real Issues

I thought this really shows the difference between “politics” and “issues” by highlighting some issues. I would add just one thing – if either candidate can give a simple answer to any of these issues I won’t believe him. Thanks…


I got the family genealogy site up in skeletal fashion. Enough to know that it basically works. I can’t wait to get it fleshed out and get more people adding to it as time goes by. At the suggestion of…


Perhaps I am losing my optimistic outlook that people are basically good, generally smart and usually engage their minds in life, but I get a little disappointed the more I am on the web and notice that there are so…

Genealogy Site

I have got the genealogy site that I talked about in Online Genealogy. It is located at www.miller-genealogy.us although right now it is only a message which talks about the site before redirecting any visitors back to this site. I…