

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.


I was suffering from a deplorable lack of interest in the text until I finally connected with the author as he described himself as a “graduate student, terribly naive about most of the world and its happenings, but resonating in…

Social Computing Class

I get to take a doc seminar on Social Computing this semester to give me fodder for this blog. I am excited to share my insights on the readings and class discussions here. I hope to see a good number…

Back to Work

I have completed the degree/move that took me away from blogging back in November. I am excited to come back to sharing my ideas as I tackle a new degree at a new institution with a new perspective. I will…

The Power of Direction

I have often floundered in my life when I did not feel that I had a direction in my mind for where I was heading with my current situation. I found myself in one of those doldrums last year –…

The Power of the Minority

I am very interested in the moves that the democrats will make as they try to get back to their winning ways. I found an interesting perspective by David Brooks in the New York times. I really expect that American…

The Fastest Way Out

I drive around the city and see a smattering of yard signs saying “Bring the troops home now.” I feel that those who post the signs do not care about the welfare of the Iraqis. No matter how bad their…

Back on Track

I have been busy in my offline life and have not posted for a while, but I am back. I have been wanting to talk about the path, or series of events that have lead me to my current situation.…


I moved to the University of Missouri and within two days I met one of my fellow students who introduced me to TheOpenCD. I have always been a proponent of free and open source software but not an activist. I…

A Little Prophecy

In one of his last columns William Safire makes an interesting prophecy about the political future of our nation. He says, “If I were starting out in politics or its commentary today, I’d become a Democrat.” Coming from one of…

I’m Back

I have finally moved to Columbia Missouri to start my PhD and I am ready to get back to blogging. During this break I have had decided to change the focus of my blog just a little bit. Previously it…