

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.

Trash IE 6

I just spent 5 hours working on some beautiful, valid CSS because it was not rendering correctly in IE 6. It worked perfectly in Firefox. After all that work I came up with ugly and almost valid CSS that functions…


What am I interested in? That is the question of the day. I have realized that I am floundering and I know myself well enough to know that when I have an interest to pursue I do not flounder. I…

I Understand

I think I finally understood Nate’s position after reading this today. Where I have been questioning him up until now I no longer question because I recognize his perpective and his push. Well said Nate. It is especially important for those trying to develop reputations to take the risks that will build those reputations. This does not mean that the ranked players should not participate, but it means that taking the risks on new technologies is less important for them personally. It is not so important for the current leaders to lead in the new areas but it is an excellent opportunity for newer players (like me) to explore a leadership role in a new area like this.

I Need a Grain of Salt

I have seen the list of these advantages to blogging (broken link) but, while I believe that blogging is beneficial to my career, I have a hard time believing all of those benefits without some evidence. Specifically I have some…

Don’t Ignore a Good Question

Matt put a good question on his blog last week in response to Paul’s post. I just read the question again and realized that I had missed something the first time I read it. “Why make learners go through the…

Breaking In

Nate has some great (and mostly accurate) things to say about Stature and Zero-Sum Games. If you go read his post make sure to read Ward’s comments as well, he has a valuable perspective to add. I notice that while…

When Will We See the Light

It is about time that we acknowledged the truth of what happens when Lobbyists have so much sway in our system of government. I don’t think there is anything else to say after what Mr. Lessig wrote. This is more…

Nice Idea

I am sure that Lazyweb will come in handy for me because I do sometimes have ideas that I think others are more qualified to solve than I am. Thanks to Marco for pointing it out for people like me…

A Hearty Welcome

I was pleased to discover, thanks to Nate, that Ward Cates has become a part of the AECT blogging community. I welcome Ward for a couple of reasons, he is a representative of that group of people within AECT who have the stature withint AECT to change the way blogging is viewed within the profession and also because I consider Ward to be a friend. I look forward to reading Ward’s thoughts (through his blog) and hope that there will be more like him who begin to recognize the tremedous potential that blogging can have within our discipline. Speaking of which – welcome also goes out to Sharon Smaldino. May the ranks thus continue to swell.


I am surprised to find that Leon reads widely enough among educational bloggers to have found little old me. I am both surprised and pleased that the Guru of the Obvious acknowledged me for my less than flattering commentary. I…