Regions for BNN/Utah

It’s been a busy month for me personally since I asked about implementing regional classifications for Utah blogs listed on BlogNetNews. I am finally ready to implement regional categories. The options are going to be:

The classifications will be self-selection – if you want to be identified in a particular region you just email me or leave a comment with the region(s) you want to be listed in. Please only request to be listed in regions where you have an interest (that would generally be living or working in that region). Please do not choose Salt Lake if your only interest is that you follow the legislative session.

If you are going to be listed in a region with two names, please vote on which name you prefer to use. (We’ll use straight democracy – I’ll break any ties.)

As an example, I could be listed in the Davis (live) and Salt Lake (work) regions – in the past I could have been listed in Utah Valley (before I moved).

Update 8/28/08: The names of the geographic categories have been settled. Only Utah Valley has more than the basic name attached to it (valley) because “Utah” might appear to be general for the whole state (even though that would have been redundant).


3 responses to “Regions for BNN/Utah”

  1. Please list me as follows:
    Davis (live)
    Salt Lake (work)

  2. I hope the new regional categories prove valuable.

    I will not respond in comments to every request, but I will set the categories as they are requested.

  3. David, I am a Tooele County resident. I noticed that I am not considered a liberal blogger on BNN. No skin off my nose, but by Utah standards, there are few who would consider me otherwise.

    Best regards.

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