Platform of the American People

Newt Gingrich chose not to run for President because it would conflict with his movement, American Solutions (a good choice in my opinion). American Solutions has now published the Platform of the American People. They claim that the positions in this platform are supported by majorities from both major parties as well as a majority of independents. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at that platform. I have not come to any complete conclusions on the platform yet, but I have discovered that some of their majorities are closer to even than others. I did some objective, numerical analysis – taking all their data for granted – and here are the issues that appear to be the most widely supported.

    • It is important for the President and Congress to address the issue of Social Security in the next few years.
    • We have an obligation to be good stewards of God’s creation for future generations.
    • Children should be allowed a moment of silence to pray for themselves in public school if they desire.
    • Al Qaeda poses a very serious threat for the United States.
    • Our goal should be to provide long-term solutions instead of short-term fixes.
    • We should hold city governments to the same standards for cleaning waste water as are applied to private industry.
    • It is important to acknowledge today that the references to God in the Declaration of Independence – that we are endowed by our Creator with the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    • When applying for a temporary worker visa each worker should take an oath to obey American law and be deported if they commit a crime while in the United States.
    • We approve of a Christmas tree or a Menorah being placed on public property during the holiday season.
    • Therefore we should dramatically increase our investment in math and science education.
    • There will be incredible possibilities to meet our country’s challenges in a variety of fields because in the next 25 years there will be 4 to 7 times the amount of new science and technology in the world as in the last 25 years.
    • We should give tax credits to homeowners and builders who incorporate alternative energy systems in their homes, like solar, wind, and geothermal energy.
    • We must rely on innovation and new technology if we are going to compete successfully with India and China.

Each of these is supposed to be supported by a ratio of at least 11 to 1. Does this look like part of an agenda that will help the country? Does it look like an agenda that we could pass? Are there any candidates or members of congress that would want to push these things through?

I’d love to get feedback from others as I look more closely at this.

To see my full spreadsheet where I sorted these issues out by popularity download it here.

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