Academic Weakness

I have recently recognized that one of my primary academic weaknesses is that I become intensely interested in everything I study. When I started out my interest in education was instructional design. Later I took a class in assessment, not because I was interested in it bet because it was convenient for my situation. By the time I finished my masters degree I had an emphasis in assessment and a goal to continue my studies in that area. At the beginning of my doctoral program I had not even been formally introduced to the study of social computing, but there was a doctoral seminar on the subject and I decided to take it. Less than halfway through the semester I am finding myself increasingly interested in social computing and I am convinced that there is much to be studied, understood and applied to education related to that subject. At this rate I will drop out of my doctoral program after 10 years and be interested in all areas of educational technology without having mastered any one of them because I will never have been able to sit down and focus on one area long enough to complete my PhD.

I am determined to not let that happen, but I find it exhilarating, exhausting and disturbing that everything becomes so interesting as to begin to consume my thoughts. It is a wonder that I can concentrate on more than one class in any given semester.