Tag insights

My Wealth Target

photo credit: Dvorscak When defining how much wealth you want it is important to first define what wealth is. It can’t simply be income because I think most people would agree that the person who earns $100,000 a year and…

Attack the Hills

photo credit: OldOnliner Once upon a time I was a member of my high school cross country team. On the last race I ran with the team (end of the season) I learned a very valuable lesson about running. We…

Minorities That Matter

photo credit: More Than Maths Last week I received a new donor card from the Red Cross and a letter to go with it. The letter contained an interesting statistic that the Red Cross receives a large majority of their…

What Does It Mean to Forgive?

When Elizabeth Smart testified last week there was a renewed flurry of media coverage of that infamous case. While the contents of her testimony were shocking (as expected) there was nothing in her testimony that actually surprised me. I remember…

Mists of Fog

Last night was very foggy in the valley. I got to drive around in the very thick fog to run some errands and it got me thinking about the “mists of darkness” that Lehi saw in his dream. (see 1…

Challenge vs Competition

I don’t recall what triggered the thought, but over the Thanksgiving break I had a little insight into the vital difference between a challenge and a competition. A competition is something like a sporting event where there can only be…

Love Waxing Cold

I won’t link to this kind of news article, but suffice it to say that the prophecy in Matthew 24:12 is clearly coming to pass in our day. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because…

Deep Connections

I made an interesting connection yesterday during a conversation. Interestingly, I just realized that this connection also ties into a scripture that struck me forcefully the other day: And they shall also be crowned with blessings from above, yea, and…

Full Court Press

I have heard the sentiment expressed from many sources that every time you feel like you are getting ahead it seems that something comes up to keep you from staying too comfortable. I suspect that most people have said, or…